
Posts Tagged ‘Past Life’

We recognize that from your specific individualization that you BE now in physical,
when you think of living other lifetimes, you are limiting your soul to one clump,
as if this one clump that is you now is the same one clump that is you at another time.
And we are letting you know that you are much bigger than that, yes?
And you are much more fluid than that. ~Aaron (One Who Is Plural)

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Questioner is wondering about Connections from Past Lives

What we would say, is that there are past lives, but from spirit they are not viewed as past lives, because “past” brings the construct of physicality onto it and in spirit time is not an issue or an element.

We only interact with time when we are interacting with You. So we understand your use of the words “past” or “future” because that is the way you are perceiving as you are in physical. As you are in physical, that is the way that you perceive it. And so, that is what we have to say about past lives.

You have many incarnations. You have MANY incarnations, on this planet – many of you have incarnations in other dimensions, on other planets, in other realities. So there are many ways that you can incarnate beyond spirit.

And, yes, you do this many times. So we would say that Yes, there is an element of other incarnations that you have but we also want to make note to you that because of your physical confusion over past and future, that we do not necessarily have from spirit, what you are feeling is a pure spirit connection with her – Connection with her from beyond your physical experience. But we will say that you can be feeling what the two of you are creating from here. You can be feeling what comes Next. Yes?

This is juicy dear one. You have opened up into some juiciness. Yes. You can be feeling what, from your physical perspective you would say Comes Next.
And so, we would say there is more creating and playing between you. And we would not limit what you feel and what you perceive from others to be from past lives. Yes. Yes, you can look at it in a whole new way.
Q: So we feel this connection because we are creating possibly future lives? Parallel lives.

Hm. We would say yes, there is that aspect of it. Yes, there is that aspect that there is the preplanning going on from spirit about how you want to play. But you can also be feeling the connection and the deepening of the connection that is coming with her even in this incarnation.
Q: I completely agree. This is awesome!

But it is so much bigger than what you previously were able to perceive, because we would say that in your timeline, in your timelines “previously” – that from your perspective Now you “would have experienced,” that has not been the case. But, we would say that from timelines that you would perceive as being Possibilities, that of course, from our perspective they have already happened. But yes.
Q: That is so cool.

And we are delighted that you opened up to that answering. ~Aaron (One Who Is Plural)

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We will say that from HERE, from beyond your physical now experience, there is no time, there is no space, so all of your experiences are happening and interacting with one another at all times. We would say that there are those who have asked us about their past lives and Yes, you may look at some of them as “past lives” but we will say that they are not “past” to us. Future lives – they are not future to us. You are able to interact from your now position with any other position on your timeline that you would like. We would also say that because we are all One, who is plural – Yes, you have your singular expression who is coming forth into different lives, but you also – you meld and interact with others to come forth into one, you can tap into the experiences that others have also. So nothing is withheld from you.

Looking back on past lives, you can look into anything you would like, anything that resonates and may bring answering to you. It is not so boxed up as you often think of it as. You are very powerful beings. ~Aaron (One Who Is Plural)

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There are different ways of looking at it. From a purely physical standpoint, you could see it as past lives. When you expand yourself into spirit they are all being experienced, or able to be experienced at any moment that you call them up. ~Aaron

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