
Posts Tagged ‘Resistance’

We wish for you to find a greater understanding in this, a greater knowing in this, that you will more easily recognize when you are holding yourself apart from your higher joy.
As you recognize this you may think “WHY would I ever do that? Why would I hold my apart from my biggest joy? Why would I hold myself apart from my bliss?”
But yet, you have grown in a manner that has been resistant to your bliss.
You have been trained, you have chosen in a manner that has been resistant to your blissing points.
You have grown in a manner that has acclimated to your physical knowings, and has shut the door on many of your higher knowings, and this remains true even as your higher knowings have been expanded.
There have still been many areas where you have closed the door on your spiritual connection in favor of your physical limitations.

We invite you to begin noticing more and more as you close the door on blendedness to the exclusion of your physicalness.
And as you begin to notice this more and more, as you notice those points of closing the door, we invite you to make a different choice.
We invite you to create an opening where once there were doors.
We invite you to flow more fully in your blended state.
We invite you to flow more fully in your joy. ~Solarum

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It need not be hard.
It is malleable.
It is nothingness and everythingness – just as we are.
You decide where to give it form.
Give it form playfully and resist not.
When you find yourself pushing against something, Release.
Notice that you have erected something hard and solid there.
Find the easy way through, dear one.
Play with it more. Play with it more. ~Solarum, One Who Is Plural

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You are doing well to not try to smash your life into a premade form.
You are doing well to allow it to take shape as you flow, to take shape as you grow.
Allow yourself to feel the way through, to feel the alignment, the resonance or not…
There is no need to push or smash into a form.
You will be much more delighted in this way as you see what organically is created through your flow.
In so doing, what is created of your life will be much greater than what has come before… it will be much more suited and delightful to, and for you, our dear one.
It will be a perfect fit without any smashing needed. ~Solarum

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Questioner was concerned about negative effects from Chemtrails and was trying to look away, but still feeling bad about them.

A: Mmm… We are going to give you a more powerful process right here. Rather than trying to look away, when you notice these chemtrails in your vision, we are going to ask YOU from your place of great power – deep in your center you know you have this – We wish for you to infuse those chemtrails with your love and joy.
And that it will then be infused with that and will spread THAT out across your earth.

You are going to focus upon them and fill them with your love and joy, good feelings, high vibration, and that is going to be your Fairy Dust. Yes.

You are going to recreate this into your own image of love and joy and you are going to sprinkle THAT across the world.

Yes. You are infusing that chemtrail with love so that anywhere that chemtrail goes it will have the love infusion with it. It is a powerful way to create change in your world from something that you saw as a negative into a positive.

Yes, and the resistance within you will completely erase because you will see the benefit of your love spreading across the world. And it will neutralize any negative effects that you believed were there before. ~Aaron (One Who Is Plural)

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Aa: We wish to acknowledge you for where you are on your path. You have come so far.

Q: I don’t feel like it. But I want to.

Aa: Yes. Sometime you may not feel like it, but if you were to do a comparison, you would see. You would realize. You have come quite a long way. You are equipped with understandings now that you did not have previously. You are equipped with the call forward to joy and to love.

And we wish to say to you that, THAT is your true purpose, here in this life = is to be and experience joy and love to an ever-increasing level.

And we will say to you, that you may have, you will have moments where you may be feeling very good, you may have yourself in a very good-feeling place, and something may happen that may feel like a set back. Something may happen that may cause you to notice the contrast, to notice the resistance, to feel pain. BUT you are in the position to shift from that. And THAT, that feeling that feels not so good, that may feel really really bad… That is calling you forward to more.

It is not in any way a condemnation of the way you have been living, of what you have been doing. It is not a condemnation at all. It is a call forward into more. ~Aaron (One Who Is Plural)

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It is a great point of expansion for you to notice and to recognize the importance of loving yourself. We will say that when you are noticing those who are angry at you for this (loving yourself), one thing we would say to you:

Focus on loving yourself a little More because when you are loving yourself more, as you get more imbued with that vibration, you will not notice the others so much.

They will fall away when they are in resistance to you. ~Aaron (One Who Is Plural)

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We would even invite you, to look back into your past, into your recent past, or into your distant past, for times that you had fun, or times that you have volunteered, or given of yourself to someone else, or made someone else feel better, or supported someone else… any of these times that you can think of, “Oh, yes, Universe, I forgot to ask for my payment for that! Thank you!”

Think of all the abundance you have built up and not let in yet!
It is just waiting for you to loose the bonds – let it flow. ~Aaron Connection (One Who Is Plural)

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The universe is Always bringing you abundance – it’s not about “getting the Universe to bring you abundance.”
The universe is a thunderstorm of abundance raining down on you all the freaking time. All the time it is raining down on you.
And you, when you have your shell on, when you have your umbrella up, you do not experience it.
It is out there. Take your shoes off. Splash around in the puddles.
Begin recognizing where it shows up. ~Aaron Connection

*Check here for graphic quote: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=601940899858123&set=a.296725143713035.92503.100001266541300&type=1&relevant_count=1

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The questioner asked a question about chemtrails regarding her understanding that others believe they are bad, and her feeling that someone is creating in her reality when she sees them. She desires to shift her focus.

Aaron: Yes. Very good. You have created yourself some beliefs about what these chemtrails mean, and you have created beliefs about their potential for harm.

We will say that you can take this topic, your idea of it, and in your consciousness right now you are focused upon the chemtrails and we will say that:

Those of you in physical play with these ideas of the potential for negative effect with many, many different topics.

Oh, so many different people are playing with the ideas of foods that could potentially damage them, they play with the ideas of other people harming one another, they play with the ideas that are put out on your newscasts, your news stories, there seems to be – if you choose to focus on it – the potential for harm to your planet and your physical bodies from countless sources.

And this is the one right now that has come into your focus and we would like for you to recognize that… oh, this is a great gift because you have been given this little irritant, little concern, that by allowing yourself to shift in this you can shift your understanding across multiple levels of possibility in your experience.

We wish for you to recognize that this belief in the potential of harm from something outside of yourself is FALSE.

And, oh people would be so much happier in their lives if they were focusing more on what brings them joy than on the possibility for harm.

And you know this, you know this, you practice it quite well in your life in many ways.

And yet This stands out for you and so, we wish for you to recognize that the only harm that can come to you is that which finds a matching vibration within you.

So when you are noticing these things, we wish for you to recognize THAT truth, that nothing can harm you unless you have that matching vibration, which can often be a vibration of fear, a vibration of concern, a vibration of irritation by what is happening outside of yourself. And it is a reminder. It is an indicator to you that you can fill up on Other vibrations that bring you joy.

And you know this quite well. You can play with anything that brings joy into your life and recognize that the potential for harm from the chemtrails is only an illusion.

Are you willing at this point to go there or do you still have beliefs in… ?

Questioner: No. my question would be, because of the visual thing for me – if I’m driving in the car, … I say to myself, “I love blue skies,” and I’ve gotten this feeling in my heart center of “blue skies and sunshine” and even if the sky was a lot cloudy I would see the little patch of blue and focus on the little patch of blue and try to ignore…

Aaron: Mmm… We are going to give you a more powerful process right here. Rather than trying to look away, when you notice these chemtrails in your vision, we are going to ask YOU from your place of great power – deep in your center you know you have this – We wish for you to infuse those chemtrails with your love and joy.

And it will then be infused with that and will spread THAT out across your earth.

You are going to focus upon them and fill them with your love and joy, good feelings, high vibration, and that is going to be your Fairy Dust. Yes.

Questioner: That feels very good. That opened something. In trying to look away I was still in resistance.

Aaron: You are going to recreate this into your own image of love and joy and you are going to sprinkle THAT across the world.

Questioner: So I’m sending love to the chemtrails so that it’s spreading that where ever it goes?

Aaron: Yes. You are infusing that chemtrail with love so that anywhere that chemtrail goes it will have the love infusion with it. It is a powerful way to create change in your world from something that you saw as a negative into a positive.

Yes, and the resistance within you will completely erase because you will see the benefit of your love spreading across the world. And it will neutralize any negative effects that you believed were there before.

Questioner: That’s delicious. I’m taking that in. I really like that.

Aaron: And we feel that you will do much good with this.

Questioner: It’s like wow, why didn’t I think of that? It seems so logical…

 Aaron: And we will say that when you are in connection with Us the answering comes forth because of You being in the connection. So the answer is based in you – you pulling it forth.

Aaron Connection 2012

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That is a part of your process and a part of you finding clarity.
All is well, dear one. And we wish to say to you that you need not push against others who use that word. You need not, especially from your thinking mind, you need not come up with arguments or explanations.
Feel the love. Feel the bliss.
You will find that you move forward much more quickly when you are able to relax when you feel resistance. Relax, let go, rather than clenching up around the resistance. ~Aaron

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