
Posts Tagged ‘Belief’

The magic is in loving yourself, dear one. The magic is in recognizing, with love, the vehicle that you inhabit to be physical.

You ARE a physical vehicle who has connected with us, with the vibration that we BE, with the vibration of Divine Love, with the vibration of Knowing that supersedes all of your physically created beliefs, yes?

You are able to channel our vibration through your physical vehicle. HELL YES, you should love this physical vehicle, dear one. Hell yes, you should love this physical vehicle. It is a masterpiece of being.

And you judge it. And you judge it. And you can feel appreciation for the – what You consider “excess weight” WHEN you were using it as a tool to hide behind. But now, that you recognize it IS the time, you are being called to fully inhabit your BEingness.

Now that you realize this, dear one, You Must Love It All.

There is no other choice that will get you easily to where you feel the call is leading you. Yes? Because in your judgment of your body, you are holding yourself back. In your judgment of your physical vehicle you are holding yourself back.

From your physical, you make the decisions about perception, yes, and we will say that YOU make all of the decisions about the perception of you by what you believe, by what you see through your belief, dear one – by what you see through your belief.

And so we say to you, dear one: Create love as your belief. Create the knowing that your vehicle is perfection. And you know that there are those who would look at your body and see it as divine perfection. Yes. We wish for you to see the same thing.

Now we recognize your body may change. Yes? Your body has changed countless times throughout your life. Yes. Matters not what it may do: Love it Now. Love it Now. Love it Now.

You are not FULLY willing to allow yourself to be seen because of the parts of shame that you are still holding within you, the belief in “not physically perfect,” yes.

But we say, dear one: You are physically perfect. You are physically perfect. You are in the physical vehicle that you have created. Yes. It is a divine creation. And as you love it, that loving vibration reflects out. It is all that can be seen. Yes?

Your body is delicious. Your body is delightful. Your body is full of sensors allowing you to take in and interpret this physical experience. Yes?

Be love. Be loving. Radiate THAT out, for when others can see you standing there fully loving, and allowing our vibration through, you will give them the courage to stand in their magnificence also. You will give them the courage to stand in their magnificence. ~Solarum (spoken lovingly to their “little one,” Udana)

This is something that Udana posted in the Treehouse group 5 months ago. Please feel free to join us in the private group there if you would like more of the insider’s perspective.
Treehouse Group with Solarum and Udana

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You may consider this REALITY or IMAGININGS, it is all the SAME thing. ~Solarum, One Who Is Plural

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It’s funny, because it turns out, they introduced themselves to me very clearly this way in the fall of 2009 – when they were coming to me through upside-down and backward writing.

They told me that it meant they were the Plural One. I thought: This is crazy. I am crazy.

I looked it up and found nothing. I searched and searched, and nothing. They were very clear with me that they were the One Who Is Plural and so I went with that, denying the possibility that Solarum meant plural one.

It’s funny because I completely put Solarum out of my mind, and later went on to insist that they share a more traditional name with me (more traditional than the concept of One Who Is Plural). After much back and forth, they finally brought me to Aaron by getting me to recognize them as the “one with the words.”

Even after I got my way and had the name of Aaron for them, I still more fully resonated with them as One Who Is Plural.

Monday, through some divine magic, and the blessing of a dear friend, I shared with her about the name Solarum – it just seemed to pop out of my mouth after being out of my thoughts for 5 ½ years. I laughed heartily about how crazy it all was, but began to realize that maybe Solarum didn’t need to have a human definition of Plural One for it to be the name that fit that concept for them…

I eventually popped it into a search engine to “prove” that there was nothing to find, and instead of finding nothing I found their proof immediately.

Five and a half years, divine timing… Feeling awe, and reveling in a new level of belief and recognition. ~Stephanie Udana

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There is no wall.
The wall is in your imagination
and just as easily as you can create your future,
or you can create staying where you are,
You have created the wall.
And, allow yourself to play with the image of
Dissolving or Blowing away that wall.
IT IS NOT SOLID. ~Aaron (One Who Is Plural)

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We feel that you have shifted. We acknowledge that you have shifted. We acknowledge that you have stepped more fully into your own belief and resonance.
You are doing so well, dear one. You will recognize. You will see as it begins to show up. ~Aaron (One Who Is Plural)

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There is so much vibration for you to play with in this experience! — So much that you have left out of your experience up until recently. — So much that you have not perceived or been open to considering as a possibility.

When you are confined, limited to your physical experience – to that which you believe you see with your eyes, to that which you believe that you feel with your hands, with your skin, that which you believe that you touch, that which you believe that you hear, that which you believe that you understand others to be speaking to you – when you limit yourself in that physical reality, you do become very powerless.

But when you recognize that you are a vibrational being who is not limited by the physical, your experience expands accordingly, dear one.~Aaron (One Who Is Plural)

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Those of you in physical play with these ideas of the potential for negative effect with many, many different topics.

Oh, so many different people are playing with the ideas of foods that could potentially damage them, they play with the ideas of other people harming one another, they play with the ideas that are put out on your newscasts, your news stories, there seems to be – if you choose to focus on itthe potential for harm to your planet and your physical bodies from countless sources.
And this is the one right now that has come into your focus and we would like for you to recognize that… oh, this is a great gift because you have been given this little irritant, little concern, that by allowing yourself to shift in this you can shift your understanding across multiple levels of possibility in your experience.

We wish for you to recognize that this belief in the potential of harm from something outside of yourself is FALSE.
And, oh people would be so much happier in their lives if they were focusing more on what brings them joy than on the possibility for harm.
And you know this, you know this, you practice it quite well in your life in many ways.
And yet This stands out for you and so, we wish for you to recognize that the only harm that can come to you is that which finds a matching vibration within you.
So when you are noticing these things, we wish for you to recognize THAT truth, that nothing can harm you unless you have that matching vibration, which can often be a vibration of fear, a vibration of concern, a vibration of irritation by what is happening outside of yourself. And it is a reminder. It is an indicator to you that you can fill up on Other vibrations that bring you joy.
And you know this quite well. You can play with anything that brings joy into your life and recognize that the potential for harm from << …fill in the blank… >> is only an illusion. ~Aaron Connection (One Who Is Plural)

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*The Questioner had some concern about sharing their stories of good fortune for fear of being perceived as “Bragging.”*

Yes. We invite you to play with that because that is an Old Belief, that is an old idea that you heard when you were much younger that has probably been reinforced to you in different places throughout your life because you did find resonance with that. “I shouldn’t brag. I shouldn’t brag.” But we will say to you: begin looking for others who are sharing about their experiences.
When you pick up on others who are doing it and you see the joy that it brings to them and to others you can begin creating the new belief and strengthening the belief that it is a Good Thing – it is a GENEROUS thing for you to share your stories of creation.
You are Empowering others when you share your stories of creation, when you share your stories of abundance, you are being generous with your vibration.
It is a much different perspective than being concerned that you are “bragging” and you are making others feel bad. When you take on the perspective that you are being generous, that you are sharing, that you are giving a Gift to those around you to allow them to tap into that knowledge of creation – Ah! You will feel even more abundant in the sharing! ~Aaron Connection (One Who Is Plural)

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It has become your belief. It has become an expectation of things flowing for you – and you can always goose it up even more. You can goose it up and play with it.
We invite you to share with others about your experience, to joyfully share with others about your experiences with creating.
Whether it be about abundance, creating relationship… whatever delightful thing you can think of that you have created in your life. When you share with others your experience of creation, you serve as an example for them, you empower them, you give them evidence of what is possible, so it amplifies their vibration, and by your sharing of it and expressing it you are amplifying it in your own life and creating even more! ~Aaron Connection (One Who Is Plural)

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As you FEEL … as you feel the discrepancy between the life that you wish to lead and the life that you have led, you come upon a point of choice, dear one – you come upon a point of choice.

You have so much to gain.
You have so much to gain by moving forward, by moving forward into the knowing that you have, into belief in the knowing that you have, into LIVING the belief in the knowing that you have.
The knowing, in and of itself, put you on the right path, but it doesn’t necessarily fuel your journey.
You give your knowing wheels with your belief and you fuel it with the act of living of the belief in your knowing.
Are you a divine one of the pluralness, or not, dear one?
Are you creating with your vibration, or not?
We love you, dear one. You can have fun with this.
Allow the tears to come if they wish, and wash away the hold that you have on the past.

~Aaron Connection

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