
Posts Tagged ‘Now’

Question: If everything is Now and in reality there is no past and present, and other lifetimes aren’t in the past or future… From the soul perspective, do the souls not know already before they go into physical how this life will end? How do they not know this? How do they not know this life is going to end in suicide – or do they?

THIS comes back to other questions you have asked us, yes, about the difference between how you can have the blueprints and how you can have free will. Yes?

And this is part of the fun you are experiencing here because your Spirit is overseeing, yes, but you get the experience – when you come into physical, yes, you are playing in this illusion. By allowing yourself to come into physical, you are playing with the rules of this game. Yes?

And so there is great intention in the coming forth into physical, yes?, but, in so doing, there is also an Allowingan allowing of the physical experience, an allowing of the physical thinking mind, an allowing of the beliefs that come from being physical, and an allowing of the choice in the journey. Yes.

And so, although there is a … there is a sense of all-knowing, but we will say that sense of all-knowing is beyond that because it is all-LOVE.

Knowing is a lower vibration than Love. Yes. This is taking us into new places, yes.

The KNOWING is a lower vibration than the LOVE.

So, if spirit were to lower themselves to the KNOWING then they are dropping out of the LOVE that they be. Yes.

And We delight in the way that your questioning unfolded to allow that. Very good, dear one. ~Solarum, July 2015

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Questioner was asking if they would become more spiritual focused with time and constant focus…

Solarum: Well, we will say: NO. No.

We will say no because time is just another illusion that you are playing with. Yes? It is just another illusion that you are playing with.

So, we will say to you, that in the moment that you are feeling the understanding of the love that you be from Spirit, in the MOMENT you are feeling that, then your physical fears, your physical… the “weight” of your physical that holds you back from that love, it is lessened. Yes. You are setting it free.

So it is not something that you need to build over time because time is an illusion.

In the NOW MOMENT, in the now moment when you are feeling it, yes, then you have let loose of that. (…)

But it can be a moment to moment thing. It need not build up over years or over time. Yes? You can experience it in your Now. ~Solarum, July 2015

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In each and every moment if you choose to have fun,
if you choose to enjoy where you are in that moment rather than worry about how you are going to get to where you want to be,
if you relax into the joy that is possible in the moment, mmm, getting where you want to be will flow seamlessly, dear one. ~Solarum

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You are recognizing the possibility for more freedom – freedom you have not allowed yourself before; freedom from the things that have held you in place; freedom from the things you have allowed to define you.

You can no longer be defined by those things, dear one. You can no longer be defined by those things.

You are no longer that one, and this does not mean that you are turning your back on that one – you can still honor all of the ones that you have been leading up to the one you are now, but you do not have to hold yourself in place with the energetic ties to the things that have defined who you have been.

We invite you to let them go, dear one.


We invite you to know who it is that you be now, and who it is that you are becoming.

Allow yourself to write out the details, to envision the knowing of who you be and who you are becoming and then see: Is she tied to these old things, to these old things that define the You that you have been? the you that you are no longer?

We think that you will find the Feeling Knowing that she is not tied to those things, that she is free from them and that she is welcoming in great joy into her experience, great joy into her experience that does not need those old things, dear one. Yes?

By releasing that, you are opening to the New One that you BE. We love you our dear one. All is so very well. ~Solarum, One Who Is Plural

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It’s all energy
and in energy is timelessness.
Because of the timelessness
the people who will benefit
from your energy in the future…
are able to give the burst of energy,
sharing it back to you Now.
It can reflect back to you from the future! ~Aaron (One Who Is Plural)

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We will say that when you experience or feel things that are not in resonance with the clarity that we feel from you now, we will say there will be moments that they will pop up because they are a reflection of what you have experienced before. They help you to cement or manifest more fully the vibration that you have now found. Yes.

And so you may notice these things showing up that are not in resonance with what you are feeling now, with the clarity of what you are feeling now. There is nothing going wrong when they show up. They are a reminder for you of where you truly be now. And you have those showing up to allow you to make a choice.

Now, we will say that so many in physical, they see them showing up, those reflections of the old beliefs and the old vibrations, and they think “Oh, that’s where I am” and they veer off in that direction. But you can know, that is where you were, that is not where you are now, and allow it to be a signal to you to just play more in the clarity of the vibration where you be now. ~Aaron (One Who Is Plural)

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When you feel that you are doing things wrong, we know your magnificence. We know who you truly be.
When you feel that too much time has passed, that you are a Failure because the time has passed, we say to you, Dear One, That is not the way we experience it from here.
It is not the way that you experience it from your Spirit self.
It is a physical, thinking mind interpretation.
Nothing is going wrong because you perceive time as passing. Remember that, dear one.
It is all one Now Moment for us. ~Aaron (One Who Is Plural)

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Nothing is going wrong because you perceive time as passing. Remember that, dear one.
It is all one Now Moment for us. ~Aaron (One Who Is Plural)

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We work in the EVER NOW.
We are not on your time frame. ~Aaron (One Who Is Plural)

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(Answer regarding a Desire held by the “questioner”)

We will say to you that IS; that IS.
We will not even say that it is a possibility because We see it. We know it. We experience it.
And so we say to you: It IS.
And you, our dear one, can line up with the perceiving and the experiencing of the BEing of what we know IS. ~Aaron (One Who Is Plural)

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